Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Drugs And Teenagers Essays - Drug Culture, Entheogens,
Medications and Teenagers Medication use is the expanding issue among young people in the present secondary schools. Most medication use starts in the preteen and adolescent years, these years generally significant in the development procedure. During these years youths are confronted with troublesome assignments of finding their self character, explaining their sexual jobs, consenting autonomy, figuring out how to adapt to power and scanning for objectives that would give their lives meaning. Medications are promptly, young people are interested and revered, and there is peer strain to try, promotion there us an impulse to escape from clashes. The utilization of medications by adolescents is the consequence of a mix of components, for example, peer weight, interest, and accessibility. Medications habit among young people thus lead to misery and self destruction. One of the most significant reasons of high school tranquilize use is peer pressure. Friend pressure speaks to social impacts that impact young people, it can have a constructive or an adverse impact, contingent upon individual's social gathering and one can tail one way of the other. We are enormously affected by the individuals around us. In the present schools drugs are exceptionally normal, peer pressure typically is the explanation behind their utilization. On the off chance that the individuals in your social gathering use drugs there will be pressure an immediate or roundabout weight from them. An individual might be offered to attempt drugs, which is immediate weight. Aberrant weight is the point at which somebody sees everybody around him utilizing medications and he may believe that there is nothing amiss with utilizing drugs. Individual may attempt sedates just to fit in the accepted practices, regardless of whether an individual had no expectations of utilizing drugs one may do it just to be considered cool by his companions. Today medicates are viewed as an adequate social marvel by numerous young people. Here is an individual case of medication use from a young person, When I began utilizing, was uniquely on ends of the week, at parties. I utilized medications 'recreationally' and along these lines thought I had no compulsion issue. I utilized medications like nicotine, weed or LSD to be glad or to have a ton of fun. I required medications. I continued utilizing drugs; I utilized medications like pot to fit socially. I had issues throughout my life, inwardly, that drugs just appeared to fathom. Medications aggravated my issues. I began grunting cocaine. I infused heroin into my veins. I nearly kicked the bucket. I was dependent In the present highs schools the accessibility and assortment of medications is broad. There is an interest for drugs and the flexibly is copious. Since drugs are so natural available, a characteristic enthusiasm for them may create. An individual may find out about medications encounters, on responses of medication use, for example, Hey the weed that he sold us was cool, I got stoned man. This reaction will make a feeling of interest and may persuade the individual to attempt drugs themselves. Numerous youngsters today accept that the primary utilization of medications is protected. Anyway despite the fact that there is no moment fixation with the primary attempt, adolescents will in general analysis further. Before long an individual could effectively look for the euphoric impacts of medications. Illicit drug use is the aftereffect of extraordinary distraction with the dicer to encounter the psychological and real changes with sedate use. The last and the most lamentable stage are the point at which an individual needs tranquilizes so as to work enough. In this manner accessibility, interest and experimentation could bring about illicit drug use among young people. One of the most wrecking symptoms of chronic drug use and misuse is melancholy. Wretchedness is the aftereffect of synthetic awkwardness, ecological impact, or a blend of both. Utilizing overwhelming and profoundly addictive medications as heroin, cocaine, opium and numerous other will cause abrupt state of mind changes, disintegration of the insusceptible framework, mental meltdowns, bizarre flares of emotion and numerous opposite symptoms. Other than physical symptoms, illicit drug use can make issues in an individual's groups of friends. The individual may run into numerous contentions with his loved ones, bringing about want for confinement. This thus will make more issues since the individual will have no social help. Moreover, illicit drug use is a budgetary strain particularly for adolescents. At the point when an individual is dependent on drugs he will effectively acquire cash to satisfy his needs. Concurring
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Merill Lynch Free Essays
Supernova alludes to another approach to oversee customer connections that started in one of Merill Lynch’s Indianapolis workplaces. The principal arrangement before the procedure of Supernova was setting up relationship with customer in the territory of customer fulfillment; The recurrence and nature of contact Rapid reaction to issues Attention to subtleties The progressions required to actualize the Supernova procedure incorporates Maintaining least contact time Reducing the quantity of clients Folder framework Through the Supernova procedure, FAs must keep in touch time which is the 12-4-2 which is 12 month to month contacts of which 4 were portfolio audits and 2 were up close and personal gatherings. Other than that, FAs would need to fragment the quantity of clients. We will compose a custom exposition test on Merill Lynch or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now They need to rank their customers as indicated by income age, resources, favor of working with and so on. The greater part of them chose to diminish their customers to 200, significant family or business partners, customers portrayed as vital. The FAs would need to execute Folder framework that was finished by the customer partners. This is to give precise methodology in FAs obligations which is reliable with the Supernova procedure. With respect to the organization, they may need to expand workforce at the Financial Advisory Center the same number of less encouraging customers are being given up by the FAs. There are a few dangers in this Supernova procedure. The principal hazard is that the FAs endanger the Supernova â€Å"brand†in that their customers would not be as fulfilled as those of complete adopters. Second, Supernova advocates concurred that an inability to completely receive the program implied that its advantages for FAs, for example, improved pay and nature of work life would not be appreciated. Third, when administration guarantees were made to customers by FAs who proposed to completely receive Supernova yet never totally executed the program. Fourth, numerous conventional FAs related the new methodology (social occasion and distribution) with Supernova. Fifth, the FAs felt that the CRM programming that was utilized no uncertainty is the best out there yet it’s an intricate arrangement which might be hard to be utilized by the FAs. The potential advantages in the Supernova procedure incorporates client maintenance improved correspondence better composed FAs The client maintenance is fundamental towards the two FAs and the organization. When the clients are being distinguished, they are kept side by side and refreshed by their FAs. This filled in as a stage for both the clients and the FAs to have better holding. The correspondence between the FAs and the clients improved as clients would make certain to get a call in any event 12 requires a year. Clients would likewise get brisk reaction to any difficult that may emerge. The FAs figured out how to be increasingly sorted out and be efficient through the organizer procedure which is steady to the executed 12-4-2 program. The most effective method to refer to Merill Lynch, Papers
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Books To Read During Womens History Month
Books To Read During Womens History Month This is a guest post by Alice Burton. Alice is an opera singer and a ladies history enthusiast. She writes about books, history, and the undervaluing of Meghan Trainor at Reading Rambo. Follower her on Twitter @alice_sings. ____________________ Its March and therefore Womens History Month. What a perfect month to make us realize the long hard struggle is not yet over, and also to read up on the women who helped us get where we are today. For some reason, American womens history seems to begin and end with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. But there is more! So much more! We are grateful for Seneca Falls, but we must remember those before it who helped bring the movement to that point, and those after it who took the Seneca Falls spirit and ran with it. Heres some material thatll help you sound like someone who knows the deep cuts of womens history, starting in the late 18th century and ending in the present: 18th Century Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for Americas Independence by Carol Berkin Women’s roles in the Revolutionary War have been almost erased from history. Berkin proves that women were, in fact, integral to the formation of America. On the Equality of the Sexes by Judith Sargent Murray Even Abigail Adams’s thoughts on women’s rights were only expressed in letters. Judith Sargent Murray’s poem and brief essay were published in 1790, a full two years before Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. 19th Century Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton Stanton’s radical “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal†set the tone for the women’s rights movement for the next 160 years. Discourse on Woman by Lucretia Mott Famed abolitionist and women’s rights advocate Lucretia Mott co-organized the Seneca Falls Convention. In Discourse on Woman, she argues, using biblical and historical references, that the case against woman is a feeble one at best. Aint I A Woman by Sojourner Truth 130 years before bell hooks’s From Margin to Center, Sojourner Truth reveals the shocking truth that not all women are upper middle class and white. Crusade for Justice by Ida B. Wells Journalist Ida B. Wells led a national anti-lynching campaign, organized a black boycott of the 1893 Columbian Exposition, and forced the integration of the 1913 Woman Suffrage Parade. Crusade for Justice is her 1928 autobiography. Woman, Church and State by Matilda Joslyn Gage Gage was a radical feminist of the mid-1800s who criticized the Church and fought for the rights of Native Americans. In Woman, Church and State, she outlines how women have been oppressed by the Church and patriarchy. A Wheel within a Wheel: How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle by Frances Willard As longtime president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), Willard’s concept of Home Protection popularized the idea of suffrage by deradicalizing it. Here she pushes women to get out of doors and participate in life. It could be described as the 19th century Lean In. 20th Century Alice Paul and the Battle for the Ballot by Mary Walton If you’re going to read about one person involved in the 20th century’s fight for suffrage, read about Alice Paul. Now We Can Begin: Whats Next? by Crystal Eastman Written immediately after the ratification of women’s suffrage in 1920, Eastman’s call to continued action begins “Men are saying perhaps ‘Thank God, this everlasting womans fight is over!’ But women, if I know them, are saying, ‘Now at last we can begin.’†The Myth of Womens Inferiority by Evelyn Reed This 1954 essay discusses prehistoric women’s roles as chemists, tanners, textile-makers, and architects. The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House by Audre Lorde Lord advocates bringing all voices to the table, noting that difference “must be not merely tolerated, but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between which our creativity can spark like a dialectic.†The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner A study that argues that patriarchy is not part of the natural order. Lerner looks at history, literature, and archaeology, and puts a date on patriarchy’s creation. This Bridge Called My Back, CherrÃe Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa, ed. An anthology by women of color, This Bridge Called My Back was an early step in focusing on voices that have been marginalized in the feminist and LGBT movements. How to Suppress Womens Writing by Joanna Russ Russ lays out the subtle and insidious ways in which women’s contributions to literature are discouraged, minimized, or denied. Mankiller: A Chief and Her People by Wilma Mankiller Wilma Mankiller was the first female chief of the Cherokee Nation and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998. Mankiller is her autobiography. Riot Grrrl Manifesto by Kathleen Hanna The Riot Grrrl movement of the ‘90s cleared a larger space for women in the punk world. Its manifesto, by Bikini Kill singer Kathleen Hanna, famously proclaims that it exists because “we are angry at a society that tells us Girl = Dumb, Girl = Bad, Girl = Weak.†21st Century Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti Valenti’s guide helped reclaim the word “feminist†and make the movement’s ideals accessible to a new generation. Dudes, Relax: The Rise Of Women Does Not Mean the Fall of Men by Lindy West Former Jezebel staff writer Lindy West’s casual style and brusque assertions may polarize her readers, but they are all, nevertheless, still reading her. *Thanks to Hilary McGraw from the National Women’s History Museum for her inestimable help and delightful conversation. Editors Note: Audre Lordes name was originally misspelled, and has been corrected. ____________________ Want more bookish goodness, news, posts about special book deals, and the occasional puppy reading pic? Follow us on Facebook: Save Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Women Organizers in the Civil Rights Movement - 2170 Words
Women organizers in the Civil Rights movement (1950s-1960s) Women have always been regarded as key parental figure in raising and developing children in the society. During the period of 1950 to 1970, many parts of the world were marred with civil rights movement. The movements were characterized with protests and civil resistance complaining about discrimination economic and political self sufficiency. Women took up the initiative to participate in these movements. This situation later led to serious confrontation between government authorities and activists. Thousands of people took part in the civil right movement of that period especially in the United States. The key leaders of the campaign, include; Martin Luther King,†¦show more content†¦They also lobbied for enforcement of equal rights laws. Later that decade national organization for women was formed to replace women commission and it continued with the fight against sexual discrimination. The commission was disbanded due to lack of funds. The women equity action leag ue founded in 1968, sought to investigate inequalities in faculty pay and promotions of both men and women in education workforce. These remarkable women played an important role in inspiring other activists and grassroots leaders who in turn mobilized more and more people to join the struggle. These women also helped millions of women to gain their fundamental rights as women. They were mostly motivated by the mass followers they had. Motivation also came from the cases they had in courts which ended up favoring the blacks and declaring most of the segregation unconstitutional. They drew their inspiration from civil rights movement they had organized. The organizations they were involved with had a lot of confidence in them hence they elected these women to high posts which favored their situation and gave them an upper hand in organizing the struggle[12]. To overcome the problems they encountered they formed organizations such as national Organization for women. National Organizat ion of Women key mandate was to enlighten the women to fully participate in mainstreaming of American society. These organizations brought them together in unity and increased theirShow MoreRelatedWomen Organizers in the Civil Rights Movement2163 Words  | 9 PagesWomen organizers in the Civil Rights movement (1950s-1960s) Women have always been regarded as key parental figure in raising and developing children in the society. During the period of 1950 to 1970, many parts of the world were marred with civil rights movement. The movements were characterized with protests and civil resistance complaining about discrimination economic and political self sufficiency. Women took up the initiative to participate in these movements. 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If not for the Revolution that the hippies began, political or social reform and the Peoples voice would be decades behind. While the hippie movement has subsided, as it became too cool and entrenched in mainstream society, the spirit of the Hippies lives on, as their work was only the framework for decades of reform to come. Civil Rights The work that hippiesRead MoreAngela Davis and Feminism Essay1562 Words  | 7 Pagesactivist/ organizer, author, professor, and scholar who defends any form of oppression. She was born January 26, 1944 in Birmingham, AL to Frank and Sally Davie. Both of her parents are graduates of historically black colleges. Her father attended St. Augustine’s College in Raleigh, North Carolina and became a high school teacher. Sally Davis attended Mile College in Birmingham, AL and became an elementary school teacher. 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Douglass, along with other strong willed women, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, among others, they became the forefront of Women’s Suffrage in the 1848 Convention on Woman’s Rights at Seneca Falls. After the Civil War grantingRead MoreThe Importance Of The Civil Rights Movement1054 Words  | 5 PagesThe civil rights movement come into being in the middle of the twentieth century. The push came from African Americans who did not get the same rights as the whites such as equal access to public amenities, equal chances in education, job recruitment and housing, the right to vote and freedom from racial discrimination. The movement was fighting to bring back the right of citizenship to the African Americans after its erosion by segregationist jim crow law. It further led to the reemergence of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mission Vision of Sturbock Cafe Free Essays
Chic Boy Mission and Vision Statement Writing a mission statement for your business tells your colleagues, employees and customers what your business intends to do and how it will do it. The mission statement serves to describe the company in present terms and does this by describing measurable goals and objectives. A vision statement is very much like your mission statement except it outlines where the company would like to be in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Mission Vision of Sturbock Cafe or any similar topic only for you Order Now The vision statement has more human value to it and describes how the company wishes to be perceived. These statements are simply that – statements. No need to get extremely elaborate, they should be succinct, interesting and smart. Mission Statement                               Vision Statement Present tense                                       Future tense Lists overall goals                                 Describes how it sees itself in the future How the organization will get there         Lists where the organization wants to be Developing Your Mission Vision Statement It’s helpful to answer these questions to guide you in developing your mission and vision statements. Mission Statement: 1. What does the company do today? 2. For whom does the company do it? 3. What is the benefit to the end user? Vision Statement: 1. What does the company want to do in the future? 2. When does the company want to do it by? 3. How does the company expect to do it? You should be able to turn these answers into a well-crafted mission and vision statement for your business. Here are some great examples of mission and vision statements: Boy Scouts of America Mission Statement The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make thical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Vision Statement The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law. Shell Mauritius Mission Statement To safely market and distribute energy and petrochemical products while offering innovative value ad ded services. Vision Statement We make the difference through our people, a team of dedicated professionals, who value our customers, deliver on our promises and contribute to sustainable development. How to cite Mission Vision of Sturbock Cafe, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Workforce Engagement Management
Question: Write an essay on managing workforce engagement and commitment? Answer: Introduction: An important part of a business organization is its employees. The success of a business organization highly depends on the current state of employee relationship. A good employee relationship helps the business organization to retain the skilled staff for a long time. Moreover, a good relationship encourages the workers to give more work effort in the business operation process. This implies that a good employee relationship is also important for an organization in order to increase the labor efficiency. Employee relation is the effort given by a company to manage the relationship between the employers and employees. The concept of the trade union emerged to protect the employees from the dominance power of employer through the equal bargaining power (, 2016). Moreover, another role of trade union in an organization is to represent the workers interest in maintenance of good employer-employee relationship. In this assignment, the main objective is to make an exam ination on the conflicting perspectives of the role of trade union that exists in an organization. In the second segment, these approaches will be used to resolve the employee relation problems in a business organization. The concept of Unitary and Pluralistic Perspective regarding to the employee relations: The most popular two employee relation approaches are unitary approach and pluralistic approach. Under Unitary Perspective, a business organization is assumed as an integrated and harmonious system, where both employers and employees share same goal and objectives. In this approach, the existence of trade union in the business organization is treated as an unnecessary element. Even if a trade union is recognized, then the role of that union will be to act as a communication means between the employers and employees of the business organization. From the employee point of view, this unitary approach means working practice should be flexible and the overall business process should be improvement-oriented, multi skilled and ready to resolve the issues with an efficient manner whenever it is required (, 2010). On the other hand, from the employer point of view, unitary approach means,the employment policy should be such that that it would able to motivate the workers, the objectives of the organization should be properly communicated to staff an d theemployee reward system should be so designed to secure their loyalty and commitments. Moreover, the employers assume that under this approach it is the duty of each employee to discuss their personal objectives and integrate these objectives with the organizations ultimate goal. Pluralistic Approach is completely different from the unitary approach.Under this approach, the business organization is treated as a coalition of competing interest group mediated by the organizations management. This approach assumes that there exists a greater amount of conflict in the business organization than harmony. Therefore, it may happen that management in its mediating role may pay insufficient attention to the needs and claims of employees (, 2016). In such a situation, the employee section of the business organization forms trade union with the aim of protecting their needs and claims. For this reason, in the pluralistic approach, trade union is seen as a legitimate representative of employees in the business organization. This implies that, under this approach there exists a conflict of interest and disagreement between the employer group and employee group in the business organization. These conflicts are addressed by the collective bargaini ng power of trade union and the employer group of the business organization. Key ingredients of effective collective bargaining Collective Bargaining is a negotiation process between the employers and employees. At the time of bargaining process, the trade union plays a significant role. This trade union acts as a representative of employees group. The trade union always tries to increase the existing wage scale, makes the working hours favorable to the employees group, makes the employer to arrange necessary training program, improve the health and safety regulations of the company. Though the main objective of the trade union while making the collective bargaining process is to improve the work condition of the employees, sometime the trade union participates in the decision making process of the employer through this the collective bargaining process. An effective process increases the morale and the productivity of the workforce, restricts the freedom of the management, prevents the management from doing unethical labor exploitation, and motivates the workers as they can now approach their owner directly on various matters. There are seven key ingredients of the effective collective bargaining arrangement. The collective bargaining process will not be successful without sufficient degree of organization. This implies that the strength of the workers union should be high enough so that the employers cannot be able to refuse the negotiation process. Another key ingredient of the bargaining process is freedom of association. Without this ingredient, it is not possible to make an effective bargaining process. Moreover, the bargaining process will not begin without the mutual recognition between the both workers group and owner group. An effective bargaining process by the trade union is not possible to make without proper political climate. This implies that, without the government support, the workers of any business organization cannot be able to form trade unions and make an effective bargaining process. In addition to these, the trade union should have sufficient authority power over its member. Otherwi se, collective bargaining process will not be successful. Moreover, the strict prohibition of the give and take policy and unfair labor practices in the trade union are other key ingredients of effective bargaining process arrangement. Merits and Demerits of Different Contemporary approach for promotion of effective employee relations: Different contemporary approaches are used to promote effective relations in an organization. Among various approaches, partnership, engagement and employee voice are considered as most effective approach to maintain good employee relationship. The approach of the partnership working can be defined as an association of both employers and employees, which is based on the fulfillment of common as well as individual objectives of employer, employee and trade union. It has been observed that, the adaptation of this approach help the organization to achieve their goals by equating the objectives of the employers with that of employees. In this approach, there is little chance of emergence of conflicts in the organization related decision making progress. A healthy partnership helps a business organization to address the business related issues more quickly. Though this partnership approach involves a great communication between both the parties, but at the same time, it also motivates the employer to increase their commitments and dedication to the works. Another merit of this approach is it helps to raise the morale of the workers, which in turn increases the work productivity (, 2016). On the other hand, this ap proach has some demerits also. This approach makes the trade union less powerful and puts the employees section in relatively weaker position than the employer section. Moreover, the introduction of this approach in the work environment needs more administration and increases the operation cost of the employers. Another popular approach is employee engagement. According to this approach, there should be a proper condition in every organization, which will enable all the members of the organization to give their best effort every day (, 2016). Moreover, this condition will motivate the employees to contribute in the organizational success through their commitment and dedication to the organization. This implies that, employee engagement is trust, integrity, two way commitment and communication between the organization and its member. This employee relation approach increases the likelihood of the business success by improving the organizational and individual performance, productivity and well-being (, 2015). For this reason, the significance of this approach is increasing continuously with the passage of time. This approach has some merits (Butler, Tregaskis and Glover, 2011). It tends the employee to generate positive attitude towards the organization. Employees are seen to be respectful and helpful towards their colleague. Moreover, this approach motivates the workers to go beyond the job requirement and looks for the opportunities, which can in turn improve the organizational performance. In addition to these, it has been seen that, the job performance is directly linked with employee engagement. Even if the employee engagement is the willingness and ability of the employees to contribute in the organizational success, it has some drawback also (, 2016) Sometime employee engagement program are designed by the employer so that they can able to exploit the talent of the skilled labor to the companys success. Sometime, the main objective of this employee engagement program becomes More take, less give from the organization. Employee Voice is another employee relation approach. It is the participation of employees in the decision making process of organization by raising their voices to highlight their satisfaction or dissatisfaction of jobs (Lund Dean, 2014). The significance of voice concept is increasing gradually in a variety of discipline (Burris, Rockmann and Kim, 2014). At present, the term employee voice becomes an elastic term. The popularity of this approach is increasing overtime as it ensures all the employees of a business organization that they can their view directly to the management authority. Some advantages of this approach are-1) It tends the workers more focused in their job, 2) it enhances the capability of the workers through effective HR management processes, 3) it helps the organization to retain their skilled labor and 6) it articulates and helps to shape the internal culture of the organization (Kaufman, 2014). In this part, the main objective is to use different employment relation approaches that are discussed in the above section in order to resolve the employment issues in Tesco. Tesco is multinational grocery retailer of United Kingdom. At present, the number of employees in this company is 500,000. Recently, this company is facing some problem with their employees, which in turn is affecting the work culture of this company. Due to the festive season, Tesco workers are facing tremendous work pressure (Business Insider, 2016). This tends them to do extra hours. However, the workers do not get extra payment for this. This causes a kind of job dissatisfaction in their mind. Tesco is grocery retail stores. Since the business success of a retail business depends on the performance and commitment of the workers, therefore Tesco should solve this employment problem as soon as possible in order to sustain its business growth. Many Tesco workers complained that, they have to work for 65 hours in week whereas according the agreement, their total work hour in a week is 37 hours. In this context, it can be said that, Tesco should adapt employee engagement approach and employee voice approach in order to solve this employment relation issues. Under these two approaches, the employees can directly talked with the management authority regarding their issues and vision on the future business success through trade union. In this particular case, the TESCO authority has argued that, they would pay their workers for the extra work. However, this decision of the management was not conveyed to the workers for some reason. This makes the workers think that, the company is exploiting them unethically. This hampers the existing employee relation in Tesco. Now, if Tesco employs employee engagement and employee voice approach, then the workers can talk directly with the upper management authority. Then, it will be easy for the workers to get the information on the managers current step. Moreover, another benefit of these two approaches is it will reduce the possibility of the emergence of conflict because of any miscommunication between the management authority and the employee union. In addition to these, it can be said that, if the workers of Tesco are aware about the extra hour payment, then they will be encouraged to put more effort beyond their work hour. Moreover, this also makes the employees to feel that, the management of Tesco is concerned with the well being of its workers. This will in turn motivate the workers and generates positive attitude towards the work. In this way, Tesco can resolve the current employment issues with the help of employee engagement approach and employee voice approach. Here, in this context, it is important to note that, these two approaches will make the employees more involved with the current goal of the organization. This will upsurge the all over organizational performance and help Tesco to acquire more market share. Conclusion: The business organization having strong employer and employee relationship is able to reap various kinds of benefits such as increment in the employee productivity, high employees loyalty to the organization, reduction of conflict in work environment, provision of the motivation to the workers to give more effort. Trade union plays a significant role in the employee relation in a business organization. Different behavioral theorists perceive the scenario of employee relation in business organization and the factors that are likely to affect this relation differently. Because of this, there emerges a different approach in the employee relation field. The main objective of Collective Bargaining is to improve the overall working conditions. An effective collective bargaining process is very important for the employer, employee and society as whole. A healthy employee relationship is the key driver of the future success of a business organization. This relationship is also beneficial fro m the employee side also. In the second part of this assignment, it has been shown how Tesco solves its current employment problem using different employment relation approaches. References Burris, E., Rockmann, K. and Kim, Y. (2014). The Value of Voice (to Managers): Employee Identification and the Content of Voice.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), pp.16330-16330. Business Insider, (2016).Tesco Workers Want The New CEO To Know About The Unpaid Overtime They're Working. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. Butler, P., Tregaskis, O. and Glover, L. (2011). Workplace partnership and employee involvement - contradictions and synergies: Evidence from a heavy engineering case study.Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34(1), pp.5-24., (2016).How Do Organisations Benefit From A Partnership Approach? - IPA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. Kaufman, B. (2014). Theorising determinants of employee voice: an integrative model across disciplines and levels of analysis.Human Resource Management Journal, 25(1), pp.19-40. Lund Dean, K. (2014). Employee voice in workplace religious discrimination legal disputes.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), pp.10072-10072., (2016).Employee Relations, Trade Union Recognition - University Business and Administrative studies - Marked by [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. relations, T. (2010).The Typed Gold: The unitary and pluralist perspectives of employee relations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. Success, W. (2016).What is Employee Engagement - Engage for Success. [online] Engage for Success. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. Technology, M. (2015).Measuring the Benefits of Employee Engagement. [online] MIT Sloan Management Review. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. The Tutor Pages, (2016).Management Help / Advice - Strengths and limitations of employee engagement - Tutor Article. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]., (2016).Approaches to Industrial Relations - what is human resource ?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. Workmen's Compensation. Partnership Partner as Employee. (1922).Columbia Law Review, 22(7), p.685., (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. The Next Generation Library, (2014).Most Popular Approaches to Industrial Relation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016]. The Next Generation Library, (2014).5 Necessary Conditions for Effective Collective Bargaining. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2016].
Monday, March 30, 2020
Hakeem Olajuwon Essays - Houston Rockets, , Term Papers
Hakeem Olajuwon Hakeem Olajuwon Hakeem Olajuwon was raised in Nigeria, a country in Africa. Hakeem had never stepped on a basketball court until he was 17 years old, and the head of the Nigerian basketball team urged him to give the sport a try. The very first shot he took missed the hoop totally, so did the second shot, and his third shot was an air ball as well. Hakeem had lots to learn about American basketball. Coach Guy Lewis said He just flat out didnt know how to play. Before he could learn how to play, he had to get in shape. In practice he got tired after 2 or 3 minutes and after he dunked the ball his back hurt so badly he had to stop playing. Coach Lewis said Olajuwon had to strecth before he plays in practices or games. I didnt know about this stretching, said Olajuwon, but when he strecthed before practice his back problems disappeared. Hakeem got a scholarship at University of Houston and played for the Houston Cougars. Fans called the Houston Cougars The Slamma Jammas because of the way its players slammed and jammed the ball through the hoop. No team in college basketball dunked the ball like the Cougars. Once Hakeem started to play, he realized that being tall is a big advantage. The University of Houston, ranked number 1, met the University of Louisville, ranked number 2, in the semifinals of the 1983 NCAA playoffs. At the half the Louisville Cardinals was leading 41-36. Houston had 14 dunks before the game ended in a 94-81 with the Cougars coming out on top. Hakeem had an awesome game, he had 21 points, 22 rebounds, and 8 shots blocked. By the spring of 1983 Hakeem was recognized as one of the finest shot blockers and dunkers in college basketball. NBA star Mosses Malone practiced basketball with Hakeem at the gym in Houston. Patrick Ewing and the Georgetown University Hoyas met the University of Houston in the 1984 NCAA finals. Hakeem led the Cougars to two NCAA finials and was the number one pick in the 1984 NBA draft. Ralph Sampson was the center for the Houston Rockets until Hakeem joined the team. Bill Flinch was Olajuwon's first coach in the NBA. Larry Bird was already recognized as one of the NBA finest players when he and the Boston Celtics met the Rockets in the 1986 NBA finals. They lossed in the NBA finals and it was a big disappointment for Hakeem and the rest of the Houston Rockets. Bill Cartwrights collision with Hakeem resulted a serious injury. Hakeem missed 26 games while his eye injury healed. Once again the Rockets got in the playoffs and went to the NBA championship to face the New York Knicks. The best-of-seven series was a battle between Olajuwon and the Knicks star center Patrick Ewing. Houston grabbed an early lead, winning game 1, 85-78. But New York came back, winning game 2, 91-83. Houston managed to squeak by New York for a 93-89 victory in the third game. Rockets lead 2-1 before the Knicks won game 4, 91-82. Knicks also took the fifth game, 91-84, taking a lead with three games to two. Game six was close the whole game up until the final seconds. When the clock ran out, Houston led 86-84. In game seven, Hakeem led the Rockets to a 90-84 victory, making them the NBA champions for the first time in the teams history. Olajuwon also became the first player ever to be named regular season MVP, playoff MVP, and Defensive Player of the year. Speech and Communcations
Saturday, March 7, 2020
An Explanation of Chain Migration
An Explanation of Chain Migration Chain migration has several meanings, so its often misused and misunderstood. It can refer to the tendency of immigrants to follow those of a similar ethnic and cultural heritage to communities theyve established in their new homeland. For example, its not unusual to find Chinese immigrants settling in Northern California or Mexican immigrants settling in South Texas because their ethnic conclaves have been well-established in these areas for decades. Reasons for Chain Migration Immigrants tend to gravitate to places where they feel comfortable. Those places often are home to previous generations who share the same culture and nationality. The History of Family Reunification in the U.S. More recently, the term chain migration has become a pejorative description for immigrant family reunification and serial migration. Comprehensive immigration reform includes a pathway to citizenship that critics of the chain migration argument often use as a reason to deny unauthorized immigrants legalization. The issue has been at the center of U.S. political debate since the 2016 presidential campaign and throughout the early part of Donald Trumps presidency. The U.S. policy of family reunification began in 1965 when 74 percent of all new immigrants were brought into the U.S. on family reunification visas. They included unmarried adult children of U.S. citizens (20 percent), spouses and unmarried children of permanent resident aliens (20 percent), married children of U.S. citizens (10 percent), and brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens over age 21 (24 percent). The government also increased family-based visa approvals for Haitians after a devastating earthquake in that country in 2010. Critics of these family reunification decisions call them examples of chain migration. Pros and Cons Cuban immigrants have been some of the prime beneficiaries of family reunification over the years, helping to create their large exile community in South Florida. The Obama administration renewed the Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program in 2010, allowing 30,000 Cuban immigrants into the country the previous year. Overall, hundreds of thousands of Cubans have entered the U.S. through reunification since the 1960s. Opponents of reform efforts often are opposed to family-based immigration as well. The United States allows its citizens to petition for legal status for their immediate relatives- spouses, minor children, and parents- without numerical limitations. U.S. citizens also can petition for other family members with some quota and numerical restrictions, including unmarried adult sons and daughters, married sons and daughters, brothers, and sisters. Opponents of family-based immigration argue that it has caused migration to the U.S. to skyrocket. They say it encourages overstaying visas and manipulating the system, and that it allows too many poor and unskilled people into the country. What the Research Says Research- especially that performed by the Pew Hispanic Center- refutes these claims. In fact, studies have shown that family-based immigration has encouraged stability. It has promoted playing by the rules and financial independence. The government caps the number of family members who can immigrate each year, keeping the levels of immigration in check. Immigrants with strong family ties and stable homes do better in their adopted countries and theyre generally a better bet to become successful Americans than immigrants who are on their own.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Imperialism in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Imperialism in China - Essay Example The Chinese army was ill equipped to stand the modern weapons that Britain used (Keay, 47). The defeat of China in the first Opium war forced it to sign the Treaty of Nanjing in 1942. The treaty was unfair to the Chinese as it gave foreigners a lot of leverage in terms of trade. Hong Kong was given to Britain on a ninety nine year lease. The treaty also allowed for several ports to be opened for foreign trade and China was required to pay a fine of twenty one million dollars for the opium that was destroyed. The second opium war also known as the Arrow War pitied the Chinese Qing Dynasty against the British Empire and the Second French Empire in 1856 t0 1860. The issues of this war were similar to those of the first opium war. Due to growing imperialism, the British demanded to renegotiate the Treaty of Nanjing but China refused. This precipitated the war in which China was defeated. Further, the Western powers created Spheres of Influence in China so as to foster their economic interests. After the defeat of China in both the first and the second Opium Wars, the formulation of unequal treaties led to the creation of the six spheres of influence. The British, French, Germans, Russians and the Japanese benefited in the partitioning of China into spheres to suit their own economic interests (Kay, 149). The Taiping Rebellion that lasted from 1851 to 1864 was led by Hong Xiuquan who was a village teacher. The rebellion was as a result of dissatisfaction with the leadership of the ruling Dynasty. The Qing administration was faced by numerous challenges including natural calamities and economic turmoil of unprecedented nature. The rebels were determined to overthrow the dynasty aided by the fact that the Chinese imperial forces were weak and demoralized. Eventually, the rebellion was suppressed by an army commanded by Zeng Guofan. The Open Door Policy was a proposal by United States of America to allow all
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Kuwait Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kuwait Women - Essay Example But, gradually, the authorities have noticed that the country with abundant human resources is facing workers' shortage in many strategic positions in the country. The government has invested a sizeable amount of money solely for the education of women in Kuwait. These initiatives had paved the way for the commencement of many developmental activities targeted towards women in the country. In the past there were stories about Kuwait women which had become hot news in the country's media. The same media is now reporting that Kuwait women are revolutionizing the role of women in the country's growth and prosperity. The recent years have proved that Kuwait has also some women leaders like that of other countries. In 2006, Vital Voices Global Partnership recognized seven Kuwaiti women at the Annual Leadership Awards as honor for their historic achievement. Their profile is briefed below: She is a professor of sociology and has been active in protecting the right of women in the country for 35 years. She is now trying to make the next generation Kuwaiti women and men to be more politically aware and active She is the first to forward request to the Parliament in 1971 of the women's political rights. She is the founder of Kuwaiti Women's federation, started an Arabic Magazine and first female Kuwaiti television director. She was recently honored by the National Council for Culture, Arts, , and Literature for a life time of achievement. Lulwa Al-Mulla She is the Secretary General of the Women's Cultural and Social Society. She led the efforts of Kuwaiti women to file a petition to the Kuwaiti Government seeking to attain the voting right. She had traveled throughout the world and has been maintaining good relations with many world leaders to find remedy for many conflicts Fatima Hussien Al-Essa Al-Qanaie She is one of the first Kuwaiti women to be educated outside the country and the first to work in Kuwait's Minster of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, she is a renowned writer and one of the top television and radio host. She has been known for her continuous efforts to bring marginal issues of Kuwait women to mainstream. Dr. Rola Dashti She is a women activist in Kuwait, fighting for gender equality and increased role of women in public life. She has been recently been listed as one of the fifty most powerful Arabs. She was the first women to declare her candidacy for the 2007 election in Kuwait. Ghada Al-Khalaf She is an MBA graduate from an International University, representing the future generation of Kuwait. She founded the Youth and Graduate Committee of Kuwait, an origination that works for augmenting the political awareness among the youth. Lulwa Abdelwhab Eassa Al-Qettami She is known as the mother of Women's Movement in Kuwait. She has served as the first Dean of a Women's College. She is famous for the controversial liberalization of women from wearing abaya in 1963. She was selected for her endless effort for Social Work and Volunteerism in the Arab world as the Arab Woman for the year 1987. Work Cited Fattah M. Hassan. 2006. First Time Out, Kuwaiti Women Become a Political Force. 23 November, 2008. Women Leaders of Kuwait. (n.d.).Vital Voices Global Partnership. 23 November, 2008
Monday, January 27, 2020
Situation Analysis For 42below Feijoa Vodka Marketing Essay
Situation Analysis For 42below Feijoa Vodka Marketing Essay 42 Below Vodka which is the worlds most awarded vodka according to its website is one of New Zealands most recognized alcohol exports to the world. 42 BELOW Limited, is a drinks manufacturing company based in downtown Auckland, New Zealand. Their foremost product is the vodka 42 BELOW, the gin South Gin, as well as 420 spring water (which is sparkling mineral water) and the cheaper brand of Stil Vodka (Wikipedia, 2012).  42 Below is made from genetic engineering-free wheat. The name also refers to the southern latitude where the product is manufactured just north of Wellington on New Zealands 42nd parallel and it is also a reference to the 42% alcohol content of the beverage. The specific product that will be the focus of this assignment is the 42 Below Feijoa Vodka which is made with the feijoa, a native New Zealand fruit, and has 42% alcohol content. It also has the hint of guavas and pineapple as well and is a relatively new product for the company. Vodkas are considered to be spirits that are principally neutral that is, without distinctive character, aroma, taste or colour (MediaWiki, 2012). Nevertheless, buyers do distinguish between them according to taste, alcohol content, and most notably, price. The target market for this product: 42 Below Feijoa (referred to in this report as Feijoa) will be the youth and this product will especially be marketed with a kiwi-culture concept to those with a patriotic streak. A price of around $37.99- $42.99 puts this vodka in the mid-price range which will also be a plus. 42 Below undertook a preliminary public tender of shares and warrants in 2003. On 27 September 2006 the firm received a takeover offer of $0.77/share from Bacardi Ltd , which expanded the value of the business to NZ$138 million. Bacardi looked at 42Below as a fledgling company but with much long-term growth potential in the international market. The takeover was victorious and 42 BELOW Limited is now completely owned by the Bacardi group. Market of interest, trends and size Market of interest: The New Zealand vodka market is currently saturated with a variety of products but 42 Below Vodka is a brand that has immense local brand awareness. In the language of Kiwidom, 42 Below is world famous in New Zealand. To capture market allocation, 42 Below Vodka has had to establish and cultivate a strong brand-name. This report discusses the introduction of Feijoa to Kiwis (here and abroad) and the best ways to achieve profitable sales. Feijoa is out to recapture Kiwis who are patriotic and always crave for a taste of New Zealand beginning with those who are in the country and continuing abroad. Trends and size of the market: Statistics New Zealand records that the volume of spirits (containing more than 23 percent alcohol) increased 217,000 litres (1.7percent) to 13 million litres in 2011 and according to them vodka sales were up 9% in popularity. This shows that the market size for Vodka in New Zealand is substantial and that the trend of the spirit market, especially that of vodka, is that it has continually increased in size. This also reiterates that the demand for vodka and vodka based products is going from strength to strength in New Zealand. External environment impacts Analyzing the environmental aspects is advantageous for comprehending how the present trends and developments could influence the promotional plan of our product. It is very important to keep up with the trends in the market to gain a competitive edge over our rival companies. Some of the current trends in the external environment and how these could affect out marketing plan are listed below. Social Networking One of the key trends in society today is the use of social networking. It is vital for our company to create and manage a Twitter Account as well as a Facebook page, which will permit current and potential consumers of our products to keep in touch with the company, ask questions and keep up-to-date on all our company and product promotions. A campaign that uses promotions, contests and other creative ideas on Facebook will allow Feijoa to have a higher level of input from and better communication with the consumer. These channels can also be used to maintain a high standard of our product with the consumers. Online Websites Online Websites are also great place for buyers to gather information regarding products on sale. It is therefore essential that our company has a technologically advanced and informational website about our products and the company. Consumers should be able to query about our product, locate information and buy said items using our website. We will look at upgrading our current website to this level: Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society, the environment and its own prosperity. (MPI, 2012) it is seen as trendy for alcohol-based companies to integrate CSR into its advertising. At present, companies try to communicate messages like: Drink responsibly and You dont want to spoil a great party. A company sees it as its responsibility to inform consumers about responsible alcohol consumption. (ECMAM, 2009). Feijoa has plans to incorporate CSR into our promotions activity because it is important for any alcohol selling company to notify customers that it is fundamental to drink responsibly. Green Image The idea of going green is very popular in todays society. The buzz today is to try and protect our planet and her resources. Integrating the idea of being green in our marketing can be very advantageous in getting customers to buy our product. For our company to exploit this trend, we will advertise about the green aspects of our manufacturing and bottling process. Our company can also donate funds to green causes for every bottle of Feijoa bought. Competition Analysis An analysis of the current competition for 42 Below Feijoa Vodka, centered on the 3 most popular vodkas sold in New Zealand today, is presented. Using SWOT analyses, the identifiable weaknesses and strengths of Feijoa in the light of this competition has been examined. Key threats and key opportunities have also been identified. Current Situation 42 Below Vodka is a well known brand in New Zealand. It is, as they say, world famous in New Zealand. Made in the Wellington using the pure softness of New Zealand sparkling water, 42 Below Vodka has fashioned itself as a popular brand of vodka in New Zealand and abroad. 42 Below Vodkas current goal is to expand its vodka range and offering customers first-rate feijoa based vodka at an affordable price. Feijoa plans to target the higher class youth market consisting of high-end nightclubs, hotels, and restaurants plus the demographic that frequents these enterprises: youthful professionals, younger professional people, and others with an prosperous standard of living. Problem Identification The fundamental problem that Feijoa faces is entering into an already overcrowded New Zealand market with absolutely no taste awareness for a feijoa based alcoholic beverage. A strategic plan for acquiring considerable market share is crucial. Opportunity Because 42 Below Feijoa is entering an entirely innovative niche in the market, it has the prospect of building everything from square one including: image, a name for the product, and strategies to market the product. The first thing we need to do is create a brand image for Feijoa whereby it will begin to establish a connection with its target audience. The branding aim is to position Feijoa foremost in the minds of its target consumers whenever they think of buying highest quality pure vodka for their businesses, special events, parties and getaways. Feijoa will also need to develop an exceptional and continuing image of this vodka for targeted consumers. For example, another vodka distributed in New Zealand, Absolut Vodka, has a website that can attract and grip the attention of even a teetotaler, because the imagery and list of possibilities on their website are so compelling. Feijoa needs to develop an image that will boost our products status value and impression and enthralls its target market. Feijoa will have to implement clever marketing strategies in order to activate and propagate such a mesmerizing image for its product, Situation Analysis 42 Below Feijoa Vodka is entering into a completely new market segment under flavored vodkas where the targeted consumers already have preferences when it comes to buying vodka. Thus, it is necessary to carry out a SWOT analysis of both 42 Below Feijoa and the competition so that the company can obtain a lucid view of this new environment. An industry analysis will help Feijoa to create the precise brand awareness for its own vodka and to understand the nature of its competing products. There are currently many brands of flavoured vodka in New Zealand liquor stores. Its popularity can be attributed mainly to its neutral flavour and adaptability as a mixer. Many vodkas are reasonably priced and are intended to be mixed with other drinks like orange juice or apple cider or mixed in Bloody Marys, martinis and other cocktails. Other brands of vodka are dearer and drunk ice-cold, either straight-up (neat) or on-the-rocks (on ice). Flavoured vodkas are well liked. 42 Below Feijoa Vodka has impending competition from a wide range of pre-existing flavoured vodka products in its selected environment. Feijoa will understand how to best penetrate its new market after carrying out a full examination of its competitors. Competitor Analysis Vodka is usually distilled from rye and wheat grains or from beets or potatoes. After distillation, charcoal is usually used to filter the vodka. The more one distils and filters vodka, the clearer and purer its taste becomes. Therefore, the expensive vodkas are usually those that have been distilled and filtered numerous times. Vodka needs to be diluted before it is packaged as it has a very high percentage of ethanol, usually 95-96% (Wikipedia, 2012). Vodkas are considered to be spirits that are principally neutral that is, without distinctive character, aroma, taste or colour (MediaWiki, 2012). Nevertheless, buyers do distinguish between them according to taste, alcohol content, and most notably, price. There are three broad categories of flavoured vodka in relation to cost and it is useful to 42 Below Vodka to see where its product is positioned. Feijoa has completed an environmental scan of three price ranges of flavoured vodka in Auckland lower range, mid range and premium priced. To best understand the competitive environment, three of the most popular flavoured vodkas from different price categories have been identified for SWOT analysis. Lower cost range: Vodka Cruiser Mid cost range: Absolut Premium cost range: Grey Goose The subsequent discussion and charts discuss the results of this analysis for Cruiser, Absolut and Grey Goose. Internal environment impacts Financial Analysis In 2003 42 Below vodka was being distilled in a garage in Wellington. Now the spirits firm is New Zealands most exponentially growing listed company and has just been taken over by U.S. alcoholic beverage giants, Bacardi who paid NZ$138m (US$91m) for it. Just as impressive as the growth in revenue, which increased by 2,116% over the last two years, is where 42 Below vodka is being sold. The companys markets are the US, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand in that order. (iStart, 2007). Internal Organisation and Structure Bacardi Limited is the company that has bought out 42 Below in 2006 and has made 42 Below its irreverent completely out there vodka for those who want to do things differently. The board of Bacardi Limited consists of 14 members of the Bacardi kin and four autonomous directors. Bacardi Limited runs its empire with the presence of an International Leadership Team that looks after the main decisions of all its brands, 42 Below being one of these. The Leadership team is made up of the chief executives based all over the world: The Chairman of the Board of Bacardi Limited since 2005 is Facundo L. Bacardi who is also the great-great grandson of Company founder Don Facundo Bacardà Massà ³ and a fifth generation family member. President and Chief Executive Officer of the company is Ed Shirley who was elected a Director by the Board in March 2012. Ron Anderson is the Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer and is responsible for commercial capabilities of the internationally known portfolio of premium spirits with focus on enhancing sales force capabilities, commercial effectiveness and implementing robust go-to-market programs (Bacardi, 2012). Scott M Northcutt is Senior Vice President of Human Resources of Bacardi Limited and is responsible for all everything to do with employee career improvement, employee pay schemes, progression planning, as well as management and organisation advancement. Silvia Lagnado, Jacques Croisetià ¨re, Stefan Bomhard, Caroline Basyn, Robert Furniss-Roe, Jon Grey, Paolo Perego, Eduardo Sà ¡nchez, Siddik Tetà k and Atul Vora make up the rest of the members of Bacardis Leadership Team. 42 Below has acquired its own Managing Director, Paul Dibbayawan, who was headhunted by Bacardi to manage 42 Below and joined this iconic NZ brand last year. Manufacturing Processes 42 Below Feijoa Vodka is made from genetic engineering-free wheat from the Canterbury Plains and pure New Zealand still and sparkling mineral water. And, because 42Below is truly obsessed with creating great vodka, it uses a high saturation distillation process with the vodka distilled 4 times and filtered through 35 separate filters (Bacardi, 2012). The result is distilled twice, prior to being rinsed in spring water, achieving a saturation point that brings a high level of purity and freshness to the vodka. 42 Below then faces distillation a third time. It is then charged with charcoal to eliminate any final contaminations before being filtered. It is then diluted with local sparkling spring water (DrinkSupermarket, 2012). 42 Below is diluted with water from the mineral springs from deep underneath the volcanic highland in the heart of New Zealands North Island. This spring has been graded AA by World Health Organisation indicating water of supreme cleanliness and purity (DrinkSupermarket, 2012). Human Resources The person in-charge of Bacardi Limiteds HR activities is Scott M Northcutt but 42 Below is a Kiwi company with its own Managing Director Paul Dibbayawan. When Bacardi Limited took over 42 Below, the entire staff was retained and the production remained in New Zealand to keep the identity of this iconic Kiwi brand. 42 Below has a very relaxed HR management style. The companys headquarters has been famous for announcing (on their walls) that they cull their staff once every six weeks so that their vodka secrets do not leak out. Management As discussed above Bacardi Limited has its own Leadership Team that functions as its International Management system as well but 42Below is also a Kiwi company with its own Managing Director Paul Dibbayawan who is now settled in Takapuna. 42Below is run like a publicly listed company. Whilst we are not a publicly listed company, the Bacardi CEO is really setting the direction for us to be governed in the same way. We are putting a lot of the systems in place as if we were. It just makes perfect sense. The regulations and transparency are there for a reason so it is only sensible to follow that best practice. Stated Dibbayawan in an interview (The Director, 2008). Research and Development 42 Below has hired the vodka professor and his job involves going around the world running sessions called vodka university (The Director, 2008). They mix and match all vodkas and mixers from all over the world with bar-people and this process is what they classify as research. Marketing Function When it comes to 42Below, they dont sell a product; they sell an idea, an experience even. 42Below doesnt have sales reps, it has ambassadors. Nobody has titles, except for kind of nickname titles. The creator and boss of 42Below had the title of Chief Vodka Bloke. The marketing and promotions output from 42Below is distributed under the title of propaganda (42Below, 2012). When one goes through each of the propaganda material, youd notice that none of the twelve current marketing posters sell 42Below as a product; they all sell the experience of purity, kiwiness, uniqueness, perfection, irreverence, everything that 42Below is famous for. An innovative orientation for the intuitive sensing of what the market needs involves an entrepreneur who can come up with a new idea first and then think about how and where he will sell the product (Stokes, 2000). This opportunity-focused posture was adopted by 42Below and allowed strategies to emerge over time (Rahoi-Gilchrest, 2007). Instead of selling vodka, they sold stories and experiences that are unique from branding to production; a positioning that gave them an exceptional competitive advantage (Morrish HYPERLINK #idb19et al.HYPERLINK #idb19, 2010). Location 42 Below vodka is headquartered in the Britomart area where a large poster announces that We have to kill all our staff every six weeks.  The company recently had to move into bigger premises from its Penrose location, and has taken over a building in the Britomart complex in the Auckland CBD. External Relationships As a company that believes in marketing dreams, visions and experiences in contrast to products, 42Below has created and nurtured many external relationships to help it achieve its aims. 42Below has long supported Hollywood by supporting our own Wellywood greats like Peter Jackson and hopefuls like Mark Albiston and Louis Sutherland. The Lord of the Rings Oscar party included goody bags to the VIPs that included 42Below products amongst other things. Albiston and Sutherlands participation and win at the Aspen Shortfest was made possible by 42BELOWs sponsorship. 42BELOW has also been one of the principal sponsors at the New York Film Societys event honouring Michael Douglas in 2010. 42BELOW has also supported NZ Music Month. 42 At The Zoo was seen as a celebration of New Zealand Music Months success for a decade. 42BELOW also hosts a Cocktail World Cup in New Zealand every year since 2004. Vodka cocktail making or mixology, as 42Below calls it has become a world renowned skill for bar managers everywhere. 42Below flies in the proven mixology team from all over the world to New Zealand annually to participate in this competition. 42Below has also co-sponsored events like Hilarity For Charity 2012 in support of the Alzeimers Association in Los Angeles in January this year. 42Below has many other external relationships that helps it market dreams, visions and experiences. High Quality Competitive Positioning Perceptual Map High Price Low Price Low Quality Ethical standing For Paul Dibbayawan the four elements of social responsibility for drinking is a very important factor when it comes to marketing the drink. He has strict guidelines that stop the company from participating in any marketing propaganda that could involve minors, drink driving, binge drinking or being sexually liberal. We dont want to be appealing to minors we dont want minors to drink. We dont want drink driving thats a big problem in New Zealand. We dont want excessive binge drinking. And we dont want people to think that if they drink the brand, theyll immediately be sexually successful. (The Director, 2008) Another important thing about the socially responsible marketing strategies of 42Below is that they do not participate in mass marketing like billboards, newspapers or magazines as these according to Dibbayawan do not actually reach the target audience and may lead to minors buying the product instead. Other (A Culture of Excellence) 42Below has a culture of excellence when it comes to its products and this is illustrated by the list of awards that the different flavours and the original vodka have won over the years. The original vodka has won gold for 7 years straight and silver the year it was introduced to the world competitions. 42Below currently has the reputation of winning more vodka awards than any other brand in the world. This culture of excellence is a huge marketing advantage for 42Below especially when launching a new product like Feijoa Vodka since this excellence can be used to catapult Feijoa above its competitors. Situational Analysis Summary 42Below Feijoa Vodkas environmental scan has determined that Feijoa has a number of competitive advantages over brands in the NZ flavoured vodka market. As a quality brand, it surpasses vodka in the lower and mid price ranges. Its major competition in the mid price category is Absolut but Feijoa has a unique filtering process with distinctive and pure NZ ingredients and it has 2% more alcohol content than Absolut. Based on the SWOT analysis (please refer to diagram) of other well-known vodka brands in NZ plus 42Below, we are able to create a perceptual/positioning map (please refer to diagram) that indicates the market positions of assorted vodka competitors and how competitive Feijoa can be. Moreover, this analysis will give me leeway to suitably adapt the brand and its marketing campaign. According to the positioning map, Feijoa holds a spot at the top end of high quality however is positioned with an unexpectedly reasonable price that does not correspond with its excellent quality. In other words, compared to its competition, 42Below Feijoa Vodka is a high quality product at a relatively low price.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Culture and disease Essay
Diabetes is a common chronic disease whereby blood glucose or sugar levels in the blood are too high. Glucose mainly comes from foods that are consumed and by the help of insulin hormone they can get into the body cells to provide energy. Diabetes is classified into two types whereby in type 1 diabetes the body is unable to produce insulin whereby with type two the body does not make insulin or use it well in the body. Therefore, when body lacks enough insulin to convert sugar into energy, the sugars stay in the blood and this leads to the disease condition of diabetes. The two common types of diabetes are type 1 and type II diabetes. The condition mainly affects the old people due to lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Within the Italian community, the most common condition presented is diabetes mellitus but unlike other places in Italy it affects children between the ages of 0-14. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreases is not capable of producing enough insulin which is meant for converting sugar into energy. When the cells are not responding well to the insulin which is produced a disease condition can arise. This leads to lack of absorption of glucose into the cell of the body and therefore high levels of glucose are found in blood. The disease manifest itself in different symptoms such as frequent urination, leathery weigh loss, hunger and excessive thirst. The disease can be controlled by exercising regularly and eating well balanced diet and avoiding a lot of sugary meals. Condition can be treated by administration of insulin so as to convert the excess sugar in the blood to energy so that it can be utilized by the body cell. This condition in severe state it can cause renal failure, heart disease, blindness, and stroke or limb amputation. There is quite a high prevalence rate of diabetes in Italy which is about 3-4% of its population and it increases with age. Most of them have type II which is diabetes mellitus and it occurs mainly at the onset of adulthood. Agent or causative agent of diabetes mellitus in Italy and elsewhere are not known since the disease occurs when the body can not produce insulin properly. Type I mainly occurs in young people whereby islet of langerharn cells stops producing insulin completely. In the report by John (2002), diabetes can also arise as a result of auto immune problem whereby the body turns against its own cells thus damaging them and rendering important processes to take place. Type II mainly affects the old people but it’s also gaining roots in younger generation due to lifestyle i. e. As a result of poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. In this type, the body is unable to utilize insulin in converting blood glucose levels to energy. Other causes of diabetes includes:- – Obesity- This mainly occurs as a result of metabolic syndrome. It occurs as a result of extra energy. – Diabetes can also be caused by excessive chronic stress due to excessive utilization of thoughts. Therefore, the best way to overcome all these causes is by living a healthy lifestyle exercising regularly and being cautious on what you are eating. Diabetes mellitus can also result due to hereditary factor whereby the disease is passed through the generation on families. It can also result due to the environmental factors of the surrounding. In genetic diabetes, these individuals have a common genetic marker Type I can occur as a result of vital infection or other microorganism which damages the islet of langerharns cells in the pancreas. Type II is mainly associated with old age, obesity and genetic factors. Italian population is said to be more vulnerable to diabetes than the rest of the European countries. This is much contributed by their lifestyle and the diet they utilize. One thing in Italy is that almost half of its population are said to be overweight and they are clinically tested and proved to be obese. Obese is one of the factors that caused diabetes. Their stare of obese prevents them from working and living normal life due to the bulkiness of their bodies. Failure to work and live normal life hindered them from obtaining financial help from state to help them fight the condition. There state of obesity is also contributed by their diet since they mainly consume fatty foods which are rich in carbohydrates and therefore they end up accumulating a lot of energy which is not utilized in their bodies leading to obesity (James, Kelly, 2007) [PR] There are quite a number of environmental factors which contributes to diabetes. One major environmental cause of diabetes is persistence organic pollution in the environment and insulin resistance. Around 1940, Italian was quite persistent in the use of DDP pesticide which was quite dangerous to crops for consumption and also human. Even after it was banned it remained in the environment causing more harm to human. They slowly biodegrade and finally enter into the food chain which is finally consumed by human. Therefore, high levels of persistence organic pollutants cause types II diabetes. Environmental contaminant which mainly causes diabetes acts through estrogen receptors which results to disruption of endocrine by the chemicals which are incorporated in pollutants. Due to the industrial activities of Italy these pollutants are quite many within the environment and have resulted to diabetes type II since they hinder utilization of insulin by the cells. The mode of transmission of diabetes underlies some of difference in concordance rate. In Italy one of the major transmission modes is through genetic transmission which is mainly from substantial differences in preference rate of the disease which is mostly present in the same ethnic group and to those people who are under similar environmental burden. Apart from genetic transmission, diabetes can posses the mode of inherited transmission. This is also genetically connected whereby phenotype and pathophysiological levels indicates that genetic compounds are likely to be heterogeneous. Different mode of transmission of diabetes can be evidenced in discrete families and it can act as an overall mode of inheritance. Therefore, diabetes is mainly transmitted through genetic since it’s a hereditary disorder and can be passed from one generation to another within the same family (altha, Edgren, 2007) [PR]. There are quite a number of control methods which are used to control diabetes in Italy. These modes of control can be used to minimize the risk of infection in most prone areas of Italy. The first main control measure is by ensuring that the right diet is consumed foods with high energy context should be avoided such as consumption of a lot of carbohydrates in diet, sugary things, snacks fatty foods, potatoes and other meals which have a lot of energy. These foods can lead to obesity which is one of the major causes of diabetes. Therefore if they are avoided the risk of one being obese is reduced which consequently reduce the prevalence rate of acquiring diabetes. Another control measure which needs to be taken into account and which is less practiced in Italy is exercising regularly. Regular exercise helps to burn excess fats and energy which makes one’s body physically fit. In Italy due to most of the people being overweight they do not exercise regularly and this makes their bodies to retain a lot of energy and therefore they become prone to infection. Regular exercise therefore can be used as a control measure in preventing diabetes among the Italians. Exercising healthy lifestyles is also another thing that can help in the control of diabetes this is mostly encouraged in those families who have a life history of diabetes since by doing so they minimize the risks of inheriting disease from their relatives. Government of Italy can also come in to ensure that the danger posed to its citizens of acquitting diabetes as a result of harmful environmental effects like the use of DDP. Therefore, government should ban the use of such chemicals which are harmful to human life and also to ecosystem at large. The main treatment methods used for curing and maintaining diabetes at minimum are change in diet, administration of oral medicine, and in other cases daily injection or insulin or Byetta are mainly used to improve insulin concentration in the blood so that it can convert excess glucose in the blood to energy so that it can be utilized by the cells. Apart from these medicines in most of the routine hospitals in Italy they use acarbose and metform which are known to reduce the disease prevalence in the country by increasing the levels of insulin in the blood. They also use sulfonylurea and combination of different drugs in treating diabetes. These form of treatment resulted to different complication among those who were treated. These complications ranged from mild to severe complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, coronary artery disease, and nephropathy and obstatic arteriopathy of lower limbs. This showed that the medication had vast adverse effect on the health of patient which did not cure the disease but brought about more complication to patients. In determining the social and cultural influences of diabetes in Italy, anthropological methodology was employed which signified that:- – They came up with ways of breaking the social network providing support of young people and this contrasted greatly with the ideas of health cares that held conferences, meeting and social support networks. – Diabetes patients were excluded at any age without minding about their development they were categorized by age and not individual ability and preference. – People were encouraged to take care of themselves at an early age which ensured that they were separated from the family and peer. According to Italian population, they considered the type of treatment offered inconvenient and mostly since it was associated with so many side effects to most of the patient who treatment was administered to and acted well on a very small percentage of patients. Therefore, patients in Italy do not believe that there is effective medication for diabetes and hence they opt for just natural ways of curing the diseases i. e. by use of diet exercising. Therefore since statistics shows that there is quite high prevalence rate of diabetes in Italy as a result of poor diet and lack of exercise. The country need to come up with ways of minimizing this incidence rate since their treatment methods are not quite effective and they end up causing move harm to patients. Reference: Altha Robert, Edgren Ken R, (2007), The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, (vol 5) Jacqueline L. Longe Ed 3 Detroit, Gale on line update. Anne Dornhorst Gary Frost, Robert Mosses, (2003), Nutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus, New York: John Willey and Son. James Enger, Kelly, (July-August 2007), Dangerous diabetes obesity connections on How to reduce your Risks now, ‘’vibrant life’’: 6-11.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
My Clothes
Clothes can tell a lot about a person. As we all know that clothes are very important thing which can describe our personality. In order to describe ourselves we always make sure that our clothes are perfect. The are a lot of examples can tell about someone judging from the clothes he or she wears. Let’s say for example, when you are going to job interview and wear t-shirt with jeans, this would make a bad impression about you. For job interview you should be wearing something formal like a black suit. Take, for instance the colors of clothes.The colors is very important thing because each color have meaning. To be more clear, the black color is the most misunderstood color. A black tie dinner is very formal and elegant. Women can wear that â€Å"must have little black dress†to the black tie dinner. Also the color white the color of purity. Brides wear white in many countries, because white symbolizes a virgin. White means kindness. In some cultures white is worn at fu nerals. A final example is that in every place or event you must be careful about what you are wearing.For instance, when you want to go to consolation you shouldn’t be wearing something with brightly colors or wearing a lot of jewelry, you can do that things you are going to party or to celebrates with friends. We must be careful to choose the clothes that really represents us and that sometimes or some places have a different type of clothes which you should be wearing. Finally, always make sure that you wear the perfect thing because people will judge you from your clothes.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cempoala - Totonac Capital and Ally of Hernan Cortes
Cempoala, also known as Zempoala or Cempolan, was the capital of the Totonacs, a pre-Columbian group that emigrated to the Gulf Coast of Mexico from the central Mexican highlands sometime before the Late Postclassic period. The name is a Nahuatl one, meaning twenty water or abundant water, a reference to the many rivers in the region. It was the first urban settlement encountered by the Spanish colonization forces in the early 16th century. The citys ruins lie near the mouth of the Actopan River about 8 kilometers (five miles) in from the Gulf of Mexico. When it was visited by Hernan Cortà ©s in 1519, the Spaniards found a huge population, estimated at between 80,000-120,000; it was the most populous city in the region. Cempoala reached its fluorescence between the 12th and 16th century AD, after the previous capital El Tajin was abandoned after being invaded by Toltecan-Chichimecans. The City of Cempoala At its height during the late 15th century, Cempoalas population was organized into nine precincts. The urban core of Cempoala, which includes a monumental sector, covered a surface area of 12 hectares (~30 acres); housing for the citys population spread far beyond that. The urban center was laid out in the way common to Totonac regional urban centers, with many circular temples dedicated to the wind god Ehecatl. There are 12 large, irregularly shaped walled compounds in the city center that contain the main public architecture, temples, shrines, palaces, and open plazas. The major compounds were composed of large temples bordered by platforms, which elevated the buildings above the flood level. The compound walls were not very high, serving as a symbolic function identifying the spaces which were not open to the public rather than for defense purposes. Architecture at Cempoala Cempoalas central Mexican urban design and art reflect the norms of the central Mexican highlands, ideas which were reinforced by the late 15th-century Aztec dominance. Most of the architecture is built of river cobbles cemented together, and the buildings were roofed in perishable materials. Special structures such as temples, shrines, and elite residences had a masonry architecture built of cut stone. Important buildings include the Sun temple or Great Pyramid; the Quetzalcoatl temple; the Chimney Temple, which includes a series of semicircular pillars; the Temple of Charity (or Templo de las Caritas), named after the numerous stucco skulls that adorned its walls; the Cross Temple, and the El Pimiento compound, which has exterior walls decorated with skull representations. Many of the buildings have platforms with multiple stories of low height and vertical profile. Most are rectangular with broad stairways. Sanctuaries were dedicated with polychrome designs on a white background. Agriculture The city was surrounded by an extensive canal system and a series of aqueducts which provided water to the farm fields around the urban center as well as the residential areas. This extensive canal system allowed water distribution to fields, diverting water from main river channels. The canals were part of (or built onto) a large wetland irrigation system that is thought to have been built during the Middle Postclassic [AD 1200-1400] period. The system included an area of sloping field terraces, on which the city grew cotton, maize, and agave. Cempoala used their surplus crops to participate in the Mesoamerican trade system, and historic records report that when famine struck the Valley of Mexico between 1450-1454, the Aztecs were forced to barter their children to Cempoala for maize stores. The urban Totonacs at Cempoala and other Totonac cities used home gardens (calmil), backyard gardens which provided domestic groups at the family or clan level with vegetables, fruits, spices, medicines, and fibers. They also had private orchards of cacao or fruit trees. This dispersed agrosystem gave the residents flexibility and autonomy, and, after the Aztec Empire took hold, allowed the homeowners to pay tributes. Ethnobotanist Ana Lid del Angel-Perez argues that the home gardens may also have acted as a laboratory, where people tested and validated new crops and methods of growing. Cempoala Under the Aztecs and Cortà ©s In 1458, the Aztecs under the rule of Motecuhzoma I invaded the region of the Gulf Coast. Cempoala, among other cities, was subjugated and became a tributary of the Aztec empire. Tributary items demanded by the Aztecs in payment included cotton, maize, chili, feathers, gems, textiles, Zempoala-Pachuca (green) obsidian, and many other products. Hundreds of Cempoalas inhabitants became slaves. When the Spanish conquest arrived in 1519 on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Cempoala was one of the first cities visited by Cortà ©s. The Totonac ruler, hoping to break away from Aztec domination, soon became allies of Cortà ©s and his army. Cempoala was also the theater of the 1520 Battle of Cempoala between Cortà ©s and the captain Pà ¡nfilo de Narvaez, for the leadership in the Mexican conquest, which Cortà ©s handily won. After the Spanish arrival, smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria spread throughout Central America. Veracruz was among the earliest regions affected, and the population of Cempoala sharply declined. Eventually, the city was abandoned and the survivors moved to Xalapa, another important city of Veracruz. Cempoala Archaeological Zone Cempoala was first explored archaeologically at the end of the 19th century by Mexican scholar Francisco del Paso y Troncoso. American archaeologist Jesse Fewkes documented the site with photographs in 1905, and the first extensive studies were conducted by Mexican archaeologist Josà © Garcà a Payà ³n between the 1930s and 1970s. Modern excavations at the site were conducted by the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) between 1979-1981, and Cempoalas central core was recently mapped by photogrammetry (Mouget and Lucet 2014). The site is located on the eastern edge of the modern town of Cempoala, and it is open to visitors year-round. Sources Adams REW. 2005 [1977], Prehistoric Mesoamerica. Third Edition. Norman: University of Oklahoma PressBruggemann JK. 1991. Zempoala: El estudio de una ciudad prehispanica. Coleccion Cientifica vol 232 INAH Mexico. Brumfiel EM, Brown KL, Carrasco P, Chadwick R, Charlton TH, Dillehay TD, Gordon CL, Mason RD, Lewarch DE, Moholy-Nagy H, et al. 1980. Specialization, Market Exchange, and the Aztec State: A View From Huexotla [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology 21(4):459-478.del Angel-Pà ©rez AL. 2013. Homegardens and the dynamics of Totonac domestic groups in Veracruz, Mexico. Anthropological Notebooks 19(3):5-22.Mouget A, and Lucet G. 2014. Photogrammetric archaeological survey with UAV. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences II(5):251-258.Sluyter A, and Siemens AH. 1992. Vestiges of Prehispanic, Sloping-Field Terraces on the Piedmont of Central Veracruz, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 3(2):148-160.Smith ME. 2013. The Aztecs. New Yo rk: Wiley-Blackwell.Wilkerson, SJK. 2001. Zempoala (Veracruz, Mexico) In: Evans ST, and Webster DL, editors. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p 850-852. Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst
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